Wednesday, June 12, 2013

"June 12" 20 years on... Is Nigerian politics for 'Love' or 'Reason'?

A rather insignificant looking day of the month has now come to be one of the most notable dates in the history of Nigeria. It started like any other day until everything about the 1993 election  that came to bare on that fateful 12th of June went awry.

For many Nigerians, this electioneering period marked the begining of the present democracy that the country is enjoying. Indeed, a lot of hopes were dashed at the time, after the votes that presumed M.K.O Abiola as the clear winner of the presidential election was annulled, but that not withstanding, the flame had been lit to light the country's journey out of millitary rule, and thereby confirming the age old saying that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. I quickly counted the years from 1993 till date in my mind, after I read a Newspaper article that said "commemorating 20 years" It seemed untrue that so much time had passed.

Many analysts say that politics is central to our civilisation and that its meaning changes with every change of culture and circumstance. If this is true, as we commemorate this day bearing in mind our various political reasons and biases, I think  the "White Elephant" surrounding us is the present political System in place, and it is for this reason that I am unable to recognise if our politics and political machines have accommodated our culture and circumstances well enough to ensure 'sustainable' civilisation.

In his book Politics, A very short introduction, Kenneth Minogue Professor Emeritus of Political Science from the London School of Economics described the development of politics from the ancient world to the twentieth century, using classic examples  of Greeks and Romans, who are often considered as masters of politics, to urge us to understand why politics is perceived to offer the much needed order and security.
He said:

 "Politics among ancient Greeks was a new way of thinking, Feeling and above all being related to one's fellows. Citizens varied in wealth, Beauty, and intelligence but as citizens they were all equal". He also pointed out that "The politics of Greece was based on reason, but that of the Romans was based on love-love for Country"..... Sweet and Fitting it is to die for one's Country - Wrote the Roman Poet Horace, in a line which long represented the noblest of political Sentiments.................

Although these models had their weaknesses, in my opinion, they maintained human dignity and provided security to a large extent. If indeed June 12 can be considered as the bedrock of our present democracy, in 20 years we ought to have come a long way even if it is by learning from past mistakes. I think it will be worthwhile at this Point, to consider what virtues characterise our politics today, is it Love? Reason? or Others?

Photo Source: Google

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